《The Promise》是一部专辑,由Plus One演唱。2000年05月23日发行。
带着全美销售已达金唱片纪录并获得『年度最佳新进团体』、『年度最佳专辑』等5项 2000年DOVE音乐奖提名且又有超级制作人David Foster强力背书的优质5人美声合唱团Plus One,夹着超强气势2000年正式进军国际市场。由五位平均年龄20岁的Jeremy Mhire、Jason Perry、Nate Cole、Gabe Combs及Nathan Walters所组成的Plus One,曾因想花更多时间练习,研讨音乐与认真追求演唱技巧,合音协调性便一同挤进旧金山的小公寓,在不放弃任何机会下,他们唱游了大大小小的城镇与演唱场地,而这一切的辛劳终在David Foster将之签入自设厂牌『143』旗下后有了甜美的代价。
Plus One的「The Promise」专辑中却很明显感受到他们多了份感谢与温暖,彷佛是天际传来美丽的天使之音!
Sure, there are more inventive or intense contemporary Christian acts out there. But as acts aspiring to boy-band fame in the CCM market go, Plus One are the best. Their harmonies are really solid and intricately woven together, their convictions undoubtedly heartfelt, their arrangements uplifting. The message is as pure as the golden melodies these boys let loose.
1. Written on My Heart
2. God is in This Place
3. The Promise
4. My Life
5. Soul Tattoo
6. I Will Rescue You
7. When Your Spirit Gets Weak
8. Last Flight Out
9. Run to You
10. Be
11. Here in My Heart
12. My Friend